19 examples of amazing optical illusion photography
By Photobox on 23 October 2013

Taking great illusion photographs requires a lot of preparation and co-ordination. However, it is definitely worth it when the end result is a photo that leaves everyone captivated. Using perspective in your photography can create a novel and compelling shot. Our eyes look for the most logical perspective of the image which results, but after a closer look we understand what’s truly in the image. Using imaginative composition, lighting effects or photo-editing software, illusion photography allows your photographs to play tricks on the viewer’s visual senses.
We’ve compiled a selection of great photography illusions that truly wowed us, and we hope it will do the same for you too.
What do you see? © Liammm
Apocalypse Now: Ant vs. attack helicopter… place your bets! © yourbrotherrex
Will you get this message in a bottle? © David Zaitz
High Five and reach for the moon! © Adrian Limani
A brand new style of tutu has hit the town! © terr-bo
One small step for man, one giant leap over Stonehenge. © maybemaq
What’s your best side?
Playing with toy cars can be as meditative as writing on snow in a Zen garden – mother’s advice. Via Julia Segal Time
After a long day tolerating endless queues of tourists, the Eiffel tower would like to have its say! © Hughes Léglise-Bataille
Have you ever created great optical illusion pictures?
Which of the above photos did you like the best? If you can’t choose one then create a photo calendar so you can be immersed in a different optical illusion each month!
All photos were found on Pinterest and have been pinned to our ‘Illusion Photography’ board.